How We Reform Homelessness
* Lawsuits against the homeless shelters and the government departments that are responsible for assisting the homeless
* Legislative Bills to reform the homeless shelters and the government departments are responsible for assisting the homeless
* Petitions Signatures
* Police Reports & Investigations of homeless shelters
* Visitations of homeless day and night shelters and providing better services than staff and current volunteers
* Creation of new homeless shelters to compete with the current ones, which don't have the problems listed on this website
* Create homeless shleters which specialize in the 'reasons for homelessness' not currently taken care of
* Creation of businesses in different fields that hire the homeless and provide same day pay
* Creation of apartment rentals that have daily rent, the same total price per month
* Elections to fix all the departments of the government responsible for assisting the homeless
* News Reports on the homeless shelters and the victims left in homelessness
* Company interviews with the news
* Book publishing of the most interesting, severe, controversial stories about homelessness, especially the stories that are political and the stories about the victims of the homeless shelters and the government stories
* More...
Our Accomplishments So Far:
We are about to get started.